How to monitor sources diversity effectively, ethically, and efficiently
Covering the Military and Veterans Thru Microbroadcasting
How to reach out to military members, cadets and veterans during Covid 19 thru Micromedia
How to launch your own email newsletter—and maybe a whole news organization—cheap
Free tools you can use to start an email newsletter
Skill swap: Local News & Specialist publications
Local news outlets and niche publications are similar in that hey both serve distinct communities with a common interest. What can they learn from each other?
The State of Digital Product Management in Education
Professional trends in digital product management highlight the need for profound changes to the ways we structure and deliver media education.
News Wellness Workshop
A place to learn and discuss how reporters & readers stay informed while balancing their well being
How to Treat Your Newsletters Like a Real Product
Beyond content: learn how to grow healthy, stable subscriber lists
Corrections Reloaded: News tech for a time-tested method to build trust with your readers!
Hear from entrepreneurs building new tools to manage corrections and reader feedback in ways that improve reader trust.
How Journalists Can Revolutionize Newsletter Advertising
Why journalists are uniquely positioned to create fantastic ads that bring in more revenue than any other newsletter.
Storytelling with the MediaStorm Platform
Learn how to package and distribute rich media and interactive experiences.