What do news consumers ages 16 to 40 want? The news habits and attitudes of this age group show opportunities for news organizations to expand and diversify their audiences.
A major new survey just released in August 2022 by the Media Insight Project, a collaboration between the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, provides powerful insights about the ways Americans 16 to 40 consume news. The report reveals a number of opportunities for news organizations to reach this critical cohort. We’ll feature the efforts of local news organizations who are doing work on the ground to reach this age group, win their trust and expand the audiences they serve.
This session is designed for:
- Journalists who want to hear about innovative ideas for reaching people ages 16 to 40 from newsrooms that have tried them.
- News leaders who want to understand more about the news habits and attitudes of Gen Zers and Millennials.
- Newsrooms looking to experiment with ways to expand and diversify their audiences.

Najja Parker
Newsletter Coach, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Allison Shirk
Digital and Engagement Editor, Chattanooga Times Free Press
Felicia Mello
Editor, CalMatters

Mary Kelli Palka
Executive Editor, Florida Times-Union

Elite Truong
VP Product Strategy, American Press Institute