Cassie Haynes is a leader in social impact, fundraising, and organizational strategy, having held executive positions with the City of Philadelphia and in nonprofits and startups in Philadelphia and the Bay Area. She co-founded Resolve Philly in 2018 alongside Jean Friedman-Rudovsky, frustrated by Philadelphia’s stagnant social mobility and intrigued by the role that journalism could play in driving equitable solutions to challenges as gnarly and systemic as racism and poverty in Philadelphia. In the years since, Resolve’s work has grown and Haynes has become a national speaker and thought leader on the future of local news, sharing leadership, and building equitable organizational structures. Her opinion pieces have appeared in Billy Penn, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Popular Science, among other publications, and she (alongside Friedman-Rudovsky) was recently recognized by Al Día News as a 2022 Woman of Merit. Haynes is a Boston Marathoner, a record-holding powerlifter, a wife, and a mother.
- Thursday, Sep 22 - More Than Words on the Wall: Drafting and Implementing Strong Operating Principles from ONA22